Ok, Edna (luv ya!!) met Austin not long ago, and she told Austin about ME, yes me!! Anyway, she told him that I'm his fan and I said that I'm engaged to him and everything. And Austin was like, "Engaged really, I'm always the last one to know these kind of things"...hehe, so in other words he did not deny our engagement!!! :) Then, let's see...Christi (luv ya!!) met Austin in a blockbuster at Fishers. He was wearing a blue jeans and leather jacket with tennies. Anyway, Christi was looking for a CD, and she asked those sales person, and then all of a sudden Austin came up and told her where it is. Isn't he SO nice? :) Then....oh yeah!! Kari!! She met him at a bar/club thing in Indy, it's around 12, and Austin came in alone. Then...my cousin!! She met him along with Reggie and Mark, it's actually in her aunt's restaurant, and they were eating some ...err....food. She got their autographs and everything. Oh yeah!! And this guy met him at a Sting concert. He said he got a really good seat. Let's see....Barbara's son met him and Jalen in a Colt's game, he was giving out autographs. oh!! and Wenona! She told Austin to hook her up with some better seats.... I think that's it!! :) Well well well, I myself went to the Clippers/Pacers game and hopefully I was loud enough for him to hear me...hehe oh yah!!!! and i bought my sign --AUSTIN WE LUV U--with me, it was on TV!!! lol and i waved at the Pacers team bus as they leave, lololol kinda pathetic. Well, some....lol let's not think about that..shall we? 